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Course Description

Trains Vehicle Operators how to identify medical illnesses or injuries that need to be responded to and how to assist individuals to the best of the employees’ ability. Some of the topics covered include the following:

Key topics covered include the following:

  • Preliminary treatment of shock
  • Control of bleeding
  • Recognizing when an emergency exists and deciding to act
  • Activating an EMS System
  • Emergency action steps
  • The Importance of Consent
  • Unconscious airway, breathing and circulation management
  • Recover Position
  • Incident stress
  • Water emergencies
  • Prevention and treatment of frostbite and cold exposure
  • prevention and treatment of heat exhaustion and heat stroke
  • Diabetic emergencies


This is the online portion of Standard First Aid. In order to receive the appropriate, required certification for first aid topics, you must complete this course as well as ‘Standard First Aid Skills – Classroom.’ You may only access ‘ Standard First Aid Skills – Classroom ‘ if you complete this online course first. You’ll receive credit for the full four (4) required hours of first aid training only after completing this online portion, taking the classroom portion and then completing the assignment for the classroom portion. .


This course will not let you receive credit for each lesson you completed if you are using the Google Chrome or Apple Safari web browser to take this training. Please switch to a different web browser like Microsoft Edge for the time being, in order to receive credit for each lesson and topic you complete. If you are still having problems getting credit, contact us here.

Course Content