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Course Description

The study of sensitivity training for all individuals with an emphasis on the interactions of disabled and elderly individuals, and all vulnerable adults including minors. Focusing on understanding the Vulnerable Adult Act.

Key concepts covered include:

  • Understanding the ADA
  • Mental Illnesses and Disorders
  • Disabilities Etiquette
  • Effective Communication
  • Components of Abuse & Neglect
  • Protection of Vulnerable Adults
  • Reporting Requirements for Vulnerable Adults and Minors
  • The Impact of Reporting Maltreatment
  • Avoiding Situations Which Lead to Allegation
  • Guidelines for Interacting with Passengers
  • Professional Boundaries with Passengers
  • Internet Safety with regards to Child Access
  • Causes and Consequences of Elder Abuse
  • Strategies for Managing Difficult Passengers


This course will not let you receive credit for each lesson you completed if you are using the Google Chrome or Apple Safari web browser to take this training. Please switch to a different web browser like Microsoft Edge for the time being, in order to receive credit for each lesson and topic you complete. If you are still having problems getting credit, contact us here.

Course Content